micro:bit & Global

do your :bit 將 micro:bit 和 UN’s Global Goals 結合起來,為您的教室或俱樂部提供鼓舞人心的活動並且提供令人興奮的數位挑戰。
利用本網頁上的資源來介紹 Global Goals,享受 micro:bit 的樂趣,並且利用技術來發展改變世界的構想與解決方案。
如果您正在為您的學生舉辦 do your :bit 挑戰賽,我們很樂意傾聽。 請向我們發送電子郵件至 info@microbit.org 並且告訴我們您的計劃,或者在社群媒體上分享您的創作並且使用#doyourbit2023challenge標記我們。

運行您自己的 do your :bit 挑戰
1. 介紹目標
1. 介紹目標
2. micro:bit 項目
2. micro:bit 項目
3. 設計與原型
3. 設計與原型
4. 慶祝成功
4. 慶祝成功
do your :bit 挑戰賽包
To help you run the challenge, we've put together a pack of materials to help you celebrate your students' success, each step of the way.
Download certificates, posters, bunting, sticker sheets and our logo to run your own do your :bit challenge. 該下載捆包裡含有 "do your :bit “標誌的使用指南。
UN Global Goals 或者 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 呼籲所有國家採取行動,在保護地球的同時促進每個人的繁榮。 利用我們的指南向學生們和年輕人介紹這些目標。
micro:bit 項目
在 MakeCode 中的快速項目可以幫助您用 micro:bit 探索全球目標!
Three simple projects to learn about the importance of being active to help prevent heart disease and create wearable devices to encourage people to be more active. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two simple projects to learn about the threats faced by fish and sea turtles and how technology can help them survive and promote bio-diversity. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two simple activities exploring how technology can be used to protect biodiversity in your neighbourhood and the wider world using the BBC micro:bit. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Three simple projects to learn about the importance of road safety at night and create wearable devices to help young people ‘Be Safe: Be Seen!’ Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two longer, advanced projects to explore how wireless networks, smart materials and algorithms can help keep our oceans clean. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two advanced projects to explore how technology can protect plant life and increase food production. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Five lessons designed for students aged 11-14 years to follow on from the ‘Computing fundamentals’ unit. Students work in teams to design and prototype their own health tech innovation.
Four lessons designed for students aged 11-14 years. Students explore sensory classrooms and design and create their own sensory learning aids using the BBC micro:bit.
Gather data about energy use around you using the BBC micro:bit as a simple data logger, then process and analyse the data to make informed decisions about reducing energy usage
您可以在您自己的教室裡藉由探索 do your :bit 挑戰中由先前參與者所設計的創造性解決方案來獲得靈感。
Highlights from 2019 to 2022 can be viewed here: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.