micro:bit & the Global Goals

do your :bit brings together the micro:bit and the UN’s Global Goals to provide inspiring activities for your classroom or club and an exciting digital challenge for you to run.
Ресурси за коришћење у вашој учионици или клубу за програмирање
Use the resources on this page to introduce the Global Goals, have fun with the micro:bit and develop world-changing ideas and solutions using technology.
If you are running a do your :bit challenge for your students, we'd love to hear about it. Email us on info@microbit.org and tell us about your plans, or share your creations on social media using #doyourbitwithmicrobit.

Run your own do your :bit challenge
1. Introduce the Goals
1. Introduce the Goals
2. micro:bit: пројекти
2. micro:bit: пројекти
3. Design and prototype
3. Design and prototype
4. Celebrate success
4. Celebrate success
do your :bit challenge pack
To help you run the challenge, we've put together a pack of materials to help you celebrate your students' success, each step of the way.
Download certificates, posters, bunting, sticker sheets and our logo to run your own do your :bit challenge. The download bundle also includes guidelines for use of the do your :bit logo.
Приручник за глобалне циљеве
The UN’s Global Goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity for everyone while protecting the planet. Користите наше водиче да представите Циљеве ученицима и младима.

Сазнајте више о циљевима УН-а

Представите ученицима циљ 3

Activities linked to Goal 4

Activities linked to Goal 10

Активности повезане са Циљем 13

Activities to introduce Goal 14

Introduce students to Goal 15
micro:bit: пројекти
Брзи пројекти на MakeCode платформи који вам могу помоћи да истражите глобалне циљеве помоћу micro:bit уређаја!

Броји прескоке, скокове, птице – било шта!

Регулишите своје дисање и опустите се
Identify emotions or use smiley faces to assess understanding.
Identify emotions or use smiley faces to assess understanding.

Прототип сигурнијих рибарских мрежа

Прототип осветљења плаже за корњаче

Направите прототип радио трагача за животиње
Користите наше лекције које ће вам помоћи при изради прототипа повезаних са глобалним циљевима.
Доступно само на енглеском језику.
Three simple projects to learn about the importance of being active to help prevent heart disease and create wearable devices to encourage people to be more active. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two simple projects to learn about the threats faced by fish and sea turtles and how technology can help them survive and promote bio-diversity. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two simple activities exploring how technology can be used to protect biodiversity in your neighbourhood and the wider world using the BBC micro:bit. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Three simple projects to learn about the importance of road safety at night and create wearable devices to help young people ‘Be Safe: Be Seen!’ Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two longer, advanced projects to explore how wireless networks, smart materials and algorithms can help keep our oceans clean. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Two advanced projects to explore how technology can protect plant life and increase food production. Design challenges for finding solutions to the Global Goals for sustainable development (SDGs).
Five lessons designed for students aged 11-14 years to follow on from the ‘Computing fundamentals’ unit. Students work in teams to design and prototype their own health tech innovation.
Four lessons designed for students aged 11-14 years. Students explore sensory classrooms and design and create their own sensory learning aids using the BBC micro:bit.
Gather data about energy use around you using the BBC micro:bit as a simple data logger, then process and analyse the data to make informed decisions about reducing energy usage
You can get inspired in your own classroom by exploring the creative solutions designed by previous participants in the do your :bit challenge.
Highlights from 2019 to 2022 can be viewed here: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.