New do your :bit resources launched for UN International Day of Education
Here at the Micro:bit Educational Foundation we are marking the 5th UN International Day of Education by helping you change your world!

We’re launching a new set of resources to support you to run the do your :bit challenge and teach your students about the UN's Global Goals. do your :bit brings together the micro:bit and the Global Goals to challenge students to come up with creative tech solutions.
New Global Goals Guide
We have partnered with World’s Largest Lesson to bring you a brand new Global Goals Guide to help bring UN Goal 4, Quality Education, alive in classrooms around the world.

Introducing the do your :bit challenge pack
We have also launched an exciting do your :bit challenge pack. Brimming with free, downloadable resources, the pack aims to inspire creativity in digital solutions for 2023 and beyond. Anyone who wants to run the do your :bit challenge in their school or club can do so with the support of our online resources.
From inspiring posters, to formal certificates of completion and fun stickers, we have everything you need to motivate and celebrate young people wherever you are. Available in nine languages, our challenge pack resources are free to download and also include logos and templates so you customise resources specific to your challenge.

Why not get involved?
Our Global Goals activities support classroom learning about global issues and how they impact young people. do your :bit aims to extend this learning by challenging young people to harness technology and create their own solutions to the problems that are important to them and their communities.
Our new Quality Education Global Goals Guide is just one of seven Global Goals Guides we have available - all with ready-to-use classroom activities - so find a cause close to you and your students’ hearts, and jump right in.

Activities linked to Goal 10

Activities linked to Goal 13

Activities to introduce Goal 14
Make it: code it projects
You can also explore our Make it: code it sample projects linked to some of our more popular Global Goals Guides below or take a look at previous creations to help inspire young people you know to get involved.

Prototype safer fishing nets

Build a prototype radio animal tracker

Prototype turtle-safe beach lighting
Keep in touch
If you are running a do your :bit challenge for your students, we'd love to hear about it. Email us on and tell us about your plans, or share your creations on social media. Don’t forget to tag us using #doyourbitwithmicrobit.