Science and technology - technology and design - statutory requirements, KS3
- demonstrate practical skills in the safe use of a range of tools, machines and equipment;
- research and manage information effectively to investigate design issues, using mathematics and ICT where appropriate;
- show deeper understanding by thinking critically and flexibly, solving problems and making informed decisions, using Mathematics and ICT where appropriate;
- communicate effectively in oral, visual (including graphic), written, mathematical and ICT formats showing clear awareness of audience and purpose.
Read the full technology and design statutory requirements
Digital skills curriculum KS3
Become a digital maker at KS3
- Design a digital solution for a problem using an appropriate method;
- Build a solution based on their design using appropriate tools and techniques;
- Review or test the solution against their original plan;
- Evaluate their solution;
Becoming a digital worker at KS3
- Use applications to create products with thought given to both the audience and the purpose through the use of digital design;
- Troubleshoot basic problems with their digital technology.
Read the full digital skills curriculum
Primary using ICT - desirable features - computational thinking and coding
Level 5
Pupils should:
- create more sophisticated coding projects using a broad range of commands and more than one platform; and
- solve a more complex problem using commands in a programming environment.
Programmable devices (such as Parrot Drone, MicroBit or Sphero)
- as a class look at and talk about examples of coding projects, including using multiple ‘if...then’ and ‘if...then...else’ commands, variables, sensors, events, operators and comparators;
- recognise how they can decompose these projects;
- in small groups, plan their own coding project, demonstrating a clear sense of purpose and audience, showing understanding of abstraction by deciding what details they need to include and what they can leave out, working out what different parts of the program must do and using logical reasoning to discuss and compare the commands that are required for their algorithm and predicting the outcome;
- use a range of commands to create a project, including variables, operators and control statements such as ‘if... then...’ alongside the use of ’if...then...else’ and comparators;
- test and debug at regular intervals and collaborate with others to solve problems as they arise;
- share their work (possibly using digital tools), respond to feedback, and comment on the work of others evaluating process and outcome; and
- organise files and publish work online (if available) so that others can view it.
Read all Primary using ICT desirable features