Step 1: Make it
What is it?
Make a mysterious musical instrument you control by waving your hand.

How it works
- A theremin is a musical instrument that makes mysterious noises when you move your hands near it.
- The program runs in an infinite (forever) loop to constantly take readings from the micro:bit’s accelerometer.
- It measures the angle at which you tilt it forwards and backwards: the greater the angle of tilt, the higher pitched the sound will be.
- Find out more about theremins here:
What you need
- micro:bit and optional battery pack
- a suitable computer with Scratch link installed. See for details on how to get Scratch working with micro:bit
Step 2: Code it
Step 3: Improve it
- Experiment with different instrument sounds.
- Record your own sounds and use them instead.
- Use the angle of tilt left and right to control the volume, like in a real theremin.
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