1. korak: Napravi
Što je to?
Use data logging with your BBC micro:bit V2 to gather accelerometer readings to help design a personalised fitness tracker.
Vodič za kodiranje
Što ti treba
- a micro:bit V2
- a computer and micro USB cable for coding the micro:bit and viewing your data
- micro:bit battery pack
- our data logging guide may be useful
Gather data
- Transfer the code below to your micro:bit, then disconnect it from your computer.
- Connect a battery pack and attach the micro:bit to your shoe or leg.
- Previous data is deleted when you transfer new code to your micro:bit, but you can also delete old data by pressing buttons A and B together.
- Press button A to start logging data. A tick appears on the display. It is now recording accelerometer data ten times every second.
- Start walking and count how many steps you take - try ten to start with.
- In the very unlikely event the micro:bit log becomes full, all the lights on the LED display will light up.
- Press button B to stop logging. You should see an X appear to show it’s stopped.
Analyse your data
- Disconnect the battery pack and plug the micro:bit into a computer.
- The micro:bit appears like a USB drive called MICROBIT. Look in there and open the MY_DATA file to see a table of your data and a visual preview in your web browser:

- Podaci iz brzinomjera upisani su u tri dimenzije:

- Klikni vizualni prikaz kako bi vidio podatke u obliku grafa. Prouči ih i vidi možeš li odrediti kada je korisnik napravio deset koraka:

Upotrijebi svoje podatke
Proučivši podatke vidjet ćeš da je pri skoro svakom koraku vrijednost na osi Z bila preko 500.
So with this data set, we might use the number 500 as the threshold to use in the Sensitive step counter project, modifying the 'acceleration (mg) strength' block to read 'acceleration (mg) z > 500'.
This means that you've collected data that's unique to the way you walk, and used it to make a personalised digital product that works better for you.
2. korak: Kodiraj
3. korak: Unaprijedi
- You could use the movement data logger to compare different parachutes and how they affect the acceleration of a micro:bit as it falls.
- Copy and paste the data into a spreadsheet to analyse it in different ways, for example using statistical tools.
- Use a spreadsheet to visualise the data in other ways and make a presentation about your project.
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