What is beta testing?
Beta testing helps us improve micro:bit by trying out new software before it's more widely released. Your feedback helps us in our mission to inspire every child to create their best digital future by ensuring they have the best possible tools.
As a micro:bit Beta Tester, you can help us to fix things that don't work for you, improve instructions and documentation, and suggest ideas. You will also be the first to receive updates on the latest micro:bit developments via the Beta Tester newsletter.
micro:bit betas
micro:bit classroom
micro:bit classroom is designed to help educators easily manage students’ work when programming the BBC micro:bit. You can share a program, review students’ work live, download a class report of completed work, and save the whole lesson to resume at a later date.
Use the Feedback button within the app to tell us what you think.
Python editor
The online Python editor beta contains a range of features that The Foundation plan to include in the next release.
Use the Feedback button within the app to tell us what you think
The MakeCode for micro:bit beta contains new features checked in to the code base which the MakeCode team believe will make it into the next yearly release of the live editor, usually in June.
Email help@microbit.org to provide feedback on the MakeCode Beta
Scratch betas will be announced by the Scratch team when they become available and The Foundation will pass on the information to Testers.
Email help@microbit.org to provide feedback on Scratch
Android app
A beta version of the micro:bit app for android devices is made available to testers prior to release. Testers will be notified when this happens, but you can also be sign up on the Play store listing page.
iOS app
The iOS is made available to beta testers through the TestFlight app. Once you have downloaded this app, you will be notified when there is an updated version to test.
How do I feed back and report bugs?
Please create a support ticket including information about:
- Your system (e.g. operating system, browser)
- The Beta app or editor you are using
- The problem you are having
- What you expected to happen