Step 1: Make it
What is it?
Attach headphones to your micro:bit and make music!

How it works
- To make sounds with micro:bit, attach headphones or a speaker. Clip the tip of the headphone plug to pin 0 on micro:bit. Clip the longer part of the headphone plug to the GND pin on micro:bit.
- Use this program to make your micro:bit play one of its built-in tunes when you press button A.
- The gold pins on the bottom of the micro:bit are used for inputs and outputs. Here we use pin 0 as an output. The micro:bit sends pulses of electrical signals from pin 0 when it plays the tune. The headphones must also be connected to the GND pin on the micro:bit to complete the electrical circuit.
What you need
- micro:bit (or MakeCode simulator)
- MakeCode or Python editor
- battery pack (optional)
- a pair of headphones, buzzer or amplified loudspeaker
- two crocodile clip leads
Step 2: Code it
Step 3: Improve it
- Try different tunes like ODE, BLUES or BIRTHDAY. You can find a list of tunes you can use in Python here.
- Make the tune repeat more than once using a loop.
- What happens if you connect pin 0 to the middle part of the headphone plug instead of the tip?
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