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Waste Monitor Robot

Waste Monitor Robot

This project uses the micro:bit radio frequency feature to create a robot that monitors waste.

do your :bit on vacation with RBAC

Pedro, Hartur, Enzo


Global goals

SDG 14 Life Below Water

Our project

We will create a robot to collect garbage, with the help of a network developed to collect garbage in the water.

The micro:bit will be used to control the robot with the net for garbage collection and will also be used in conjunction with a humidity sensor to alert that the net is full.

This was the first project we did as a family. We learned more about programming with motors and radio frequency. The first idea was Enzo's and together we made changes in the assembly and with the tests.

We wanted to use not only motors, but because of the weather, we preferred to use only the motors and improve the project later.
We had difficulty testing in the water, because of the space, but we will try a bigger place.

We found it interesting, fun and cool.

Our inspiration

We chose SDG 14, the preservation of aquatic life. We want to alleviate the problem of garbage in the water.

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