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Stumble Sensor

Stumble Sensor

This project creates a fall sensor using two micro:bits.

Dream Space Ireland

St Mary's NS Edgeworthstown


Global goals

SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being

Our project

The group coded a micro-bit to detect impact and send a message to another micro:bit. The aim of the project is that if a patient falls when wearing the impact coded micro:bit it can send a message to the nurses station's micro:bit informing them a patient may have fallen and directs them to the room where a patient's stumble sensor has gone off.

The group has created a prototype showing the patients bedroom and the nursing station of the nursing home. They have created posters explaining their journey which showcases their work and understanding.

Our inspiration

This project's aim is to improve the protection and care of patients in the Manor nursing home in Edgeworthstown. This project addresses the global goal of good health and wellbeing.

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