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Smart Drying Rack

Smart Drying Rack

A project that uses the micro:bit to detect humidity and will turn on a fan for drying clothes automatically.

British Council



Global goals

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Our project

This drying rack is equipped with a micro:bit which allows us to detect the humidity and weather around around the clothes. Using the built-in sensors, it can detect the weather. When it is going to rain or the weather is too humid, the rack will life up and prevent us our clothes from getting wet. At the same time, the system will also turn on the this fan automatically for drying the clothes.

Our inspiration

Hong Kong is a small and crowed city and some people are living in a small residential area. In order to save the time for drying the washed clothes and save more energy, we design a smart drying rack to achieve the goal.

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