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River Buddies

River Buddies

This project utilizes the micro:bit to sense water temperature and level to activate a pump to drain water into a catchment area.

do your :bit Malaysia

Nur Aleesya Sharizal, Sumaiyyah Nur Assyifaa Syamsul Bahrin


Global goals

SDG 13 Climate Action

Our project

The targeted place for this project is the river. Our project consist of 2 sensors as a water temperature reader and also soil moisture sensor. We also have 2 outputs which are OLED and a submersible pump.

How it works is the DS18B20 will read the water temperature and shows the reading in OLED ,whereas the soil moisture sensor will read the water level. Once the soil moisture gets wet, it will send the input so the submersible pump can drain the water and transfer it to a water catchment.

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