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Battle of Sekigahara Diorama

Battle of Sekigahara Diorama

A diorama of the famous Battle of Sekigahara animated with micro:bits.

Maker Faire Tokyo 2024

Hodaka Koyama


Global goals

SDG 4 Quality Education

Our project

A moving diorama showcasing the attraction of the famous Battle of Sekigahara in Japanese history. Betrayals and other dramatic events from the battle are shown using four handcrafted clay figures of warlords, animated with micro:bits.

The diorama is built to scale based on an actual map, with the terrain exaggerated to five times the height for a more dynamic 3D representation. To make it enjoyable for international audiences, English narration is included. The setup uses five micro:bits connected via wireless communication to bring the scene to life.

Our inspiration

Sekigahara Town is a town rich in history, and I love it deeply. I created this 3D diorama to showcase the history of the battle that took place here 400 years ago. Many dioramas and works depict the battle from the perspectives of the Eastern or Western armies, but there are few that focus on Kobayakawa Hideaki, who betrayed his allies. I wanted to explore the battle from Kobayakawa's perspective.

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