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The BBC micro:bit - the next gen classroom pack contains 3 boxes, which contain 30x BBC micro:bit V2 boards and all the essentials needed to power the boards and start programming. It also includes flexible micro:bit holders and wearable velcro straps, which can be used to attach a micro:bit to yourself so you can move around with it easily. This will come in useful if you wish to participate in any moving micro:bit projects.
See how to use the new straps and holders.
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The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light display, buttons, sensors, a speaker, microphone and many other input/output features that, when programmed, let it interact with you and your world.
Visit What is the micro:bit? to find out more or explore all the features in depth through short videos.
You will need a computer, tablet or phone to write and send code to the micro:bit, but once the code is on the micro:bit it works as a standalone device with just the battery pack. Visit getting started for support taking your first steps with the micro:bit.
The Micro:bit Educational Foundation produces free coding tools and teaching resources to support you as you explore the potential of the micro:bit:
As well as givings students a hands-on approach to coding, the micro:bit is an engaging classroom tool that gives students confidence to try new things and get creative with technology.