The Micro:bit Educational Foundation can only achieve its aims by working with hundreds of organisations around the world. This page explains how and when you can use our brand.
The micro:bit Brand, as defined below, belongs to the Micro:bit Educational Foundation (the ‘Foundation’).
We need to make sure that we protect the unique identity of the micro:bit (our ‘Brand’) and to ensure that when people see it, they know it is being used for genuine products or services. These guidelines will help you to make fair use of our name and logo and explain what kinds of uses are acceptable.
Any use of our Brand and visual identity must abide by the requirements and restrictions set out both here and in our visual identity guidelines.
The micro:bit Brand ("Marks") includes:
- The word ‘micro:bit’ which we will refer to as the micro:bit Word Mark
- The micro:bit Logo:
- The micro:bit Device:

The latest and previous iterations of the micro:bit
- The micro:bit Version Logos, for use when indicating micro:bit versions on displays or packaging:

Version logo for previous iteration

Version logo for latest iteration
- The micro:bit Compatibility Logos, for use when indicating accessory compatibilty on displays and packaging:

- Any visual elements such as our imagery, packaging or website.
We can provide a high-quality, scalable vector image of the micro:bit on request.
Basic guidelines
BBC micro:bit boards are used by children across the world, so please remember that anywhere you use our brand could be seen by a child. Help us keep our Brand a safe place for kids to find fun, child-friendly content. Don’t use it in a way that could be considered inappropriate, or place our brand anywhere near content that could upset, shock or have a negative impact on a young person.
When can I use the micro:bit Word Mark?
You may only use the micro:bit Word Mark:
(i) to refer to or describe genuine micro:bit products or services; or
(ii) to state or indicate that another product is compatible with, works with or can be used with our products. If your product works with the micro:bit please use the phrase “works with the BBC micro:bit”.
When can I use the micro:bit Logo?
You may only use the micro:bit logo in connection with the sale or distribution of genuine micro:bit products or services. You must ensure that such use abides by the requirements and restrictions set out in our visual identity guidelines.
If you use the micro:bit in this way on a website, the Logo must link to our website at
You cannot use the micro:bit logo to state or indicate that another product is compatible with, works with or can be used with our products. Please refer to the next section for how to indicate micro:bit versions and compatibility.
When can I use the micro:bit Version Logo?
You may only use the micro:bit Version Logo:
(i) on packaging which contains the correct version of the micro:bit for which you are using the logo; or
(ii) to differentiate between genuine micro:bit products or services on websites or in print. It is not an endorsement from micro:bit but simply clarifies which version of the device is being referred to.
When using V1 or V2 to refer to the previous or current iteration of the micro:bit, please capitalise the V. Only use the convention V1 or V2 when referring to a specific version, when referring to all micro:bits, simply say BBC micro:bit. Refer to our our visual identity guidelines for further details before using the Version Logos.
When can I use the micro:bit Compatibility Logo?
You may only use the micro:bit Compatibility Logo to state or indicate that another product is compatible with, works with or can be used with various versions of our products. This symbol is not an endorsement or quality mark. If your product works with the micro:bit please use the phrase “works with the BBC micro:bit” in text descriptions (on websites, in print), and use the relevant logo as a visual reference (on packaging, in print).
When using V1 or V2 to refer to the previous or current iteration of the micro:bit, please capitalise the V. Only use the convention V1 or V2 when referring to a specific version, when referring to all micro:bits, simply say BBC micro:bit.
Refer to our our visual identity guidelines for further details before using the Compatibility Logos.
When can I use the micro:bit Device image?
You may only use the micro:bit Device image:
(i) to refer to or describe genuine micro:bit products or services; or
(ii) to state or indicate that another product is compatible with, works with or can be used with the micro:bit.
When can’t I use the micro:bit Marks?
You may not:
(i) use the micro:bit Marks as part of your company name, company logo or product name
(ii) use the micro:bit word Mark as part of the domain name for your website
(iii) use the micro:bit Marks in a way that creates a false impression that your product or business is endorsed, sponsored by or associated with micro:bit or the Micro:bit Educational Foundation
(iv) manufacture, sell or give away any items of merchandise bearing the micro:bit Marks, such as T-shirts, caps, pens, stickers, mugs etc. (unless you have permission from us)
(v) use the micro:bit Marks in a way that shows the micro:bit or Micro:bit Educational Foundation in a false or derogatory light
(vi) use the micro:bit Marks in connection with fake or counterfeit products
(vii) use the micro:bit Marks to state a product is compatible with a micro:bit product when it is not
(viii) use a name or logo which is so similar to the micro:bit Marks that it may confuse or mislead people into thinking that your business, products or services originate from or are associated with micro:bit
(ix) use the micro:bit Marks or a name or logo which is similar to them in a way that will take advantage of our brand or our reputation
(x) use the micro:bit Marks or a name or logo which are similar to them in a way that will damage our brand or reputation
(xi) to personify or create graphical characters in illustrations created in the design or brand of third-party products or services
The Foundation personality
We’d like you to talk about your experiences with the micro:bit from your own perspectives, in your own way.
However, our brand personality is unique to us, so please don’t try to use any of our packaging, website design, or any other asset of our brand as your own.
Please don’t use our slogans, tag lines or our micro:bit face emojis.
However if you are a teacher or a child using micro:bit in the classroom for a non-commercial purpose then you are welcome to use the brand assets freely.
Assertion of rights
Unless stated, the Micro:bit Educational Foundation is the sole owner of our Brand elements and no one else has, nor will seek to assert, any rights or interest whatsoever in them. We reserve all of our rights, including the right to stop any use of the micro:bit Brand that doesn’t comply with the rules above or that otherwise violates, diminishes or adversely affects our rights. You acknowledge that you will immediately stop or take down your use of the micro:bit brand if we ask you to do so.
Use of the term ‘partner’
‘Partner’ is a reserved word. The Foundation regards a partner as an organisation with which we have signed a formal, legally binding contract. If you are working with us then feel free to say that, as in “we’re working with the Micro:bit Educational Foundation” but please don’t claim to be a partner unless it is mutually agreed.
Organisations that do not have a signed partner contract with the Foundation should not refer to themselves as a partner or use the word partner to describe their relationship with us.
Use of BBC branding/name
There are NO circumstances where you may use any BBC brand elements, apart from referring to the device as the “BBC micro:bit” in plain text.